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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114048
Első szerző:Troitsky Nóra (kommunikációs és közönségkapcsolati referens)
Cím:Muzykal'nyj jekfrasis v povesti I. S. Turgeneva "Rudin" / Troitsky Nóra
Megjegyzések:Turgenev scholars often use the word "musicality" or "musical code" in the analysis of the writer's fictional prose, since Turgenev often refers to music in dialogues and in descriptions of the characteristics of the heroes. This paper focuses on a musical piece which occurs in the third chapter in Turgenev's Rudin, Schubert's famous Erlkönig song. This musical scene of the short novel evokes the mysterious atmosphere of Goethe's ballad. Schubert's Erlkönig thematizes some of the parallel motifs that appear in the novel such as travel, the motive of finding a path, and the problem of in transmissibility. The paper aims to examine how these motifs are manifested in Turgenev's novel. On the one hand, the paper examines the purpose of the musical ekphrasis and how it might foreshadow his the character's fate. The mimetic musical ekphrasis makes it possible to interpret the novel from different perspectives. On the other hand, this intertextual element can be perceived as mise en abyme (L. Dällenbach), proceeding from the fact that the function of a diminutive mirror provides a key to a deeper understanding of the text.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
musical ekphrasis
mise en abyme
Megjelenés:Slavica. - 50 (2021), p. 79-87. -
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