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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114319
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)2234 (WoS)001076514300001 (Scopus)85172766822
Első szerző:Massimi, Mohunnad (mezőgazdasági mérnök, növénynemesítés, agrotechnika)
Cím:The Response of Chlorophyll Content and Ionic Composition in Tomato and Pepper Seedlings to Foliar Nutrition in Growing Chambers / Massimi, Mohunnad; Radócz, László; Kabashi, Besarta
Megjegyzések:Studies have shown that applying specific solutions to the leaves of tomato and pepper plants can boost their output by enhancing nutrient absorption. The factorial analysis of two factors was used in data collection and statistical analysis in this experiment. The first factor was the cultivar (Mobil, Korall, and Tyking F1 for tomatoes, and while cultivars of Carma, Fokusz, and Bobita F1 for sweet pepper), and the second was the spray treatment. Sprays used were sodium bicarbonate (0.52%), 50 mg center dot L-1 salicylic acid, and distilled water. The parameters collected were the SPAD index of chlorophyll and the plant sap's content of calcium, potassium, and nitrates, with five observations for each record. Salicylic acid 50 mg center dot L-1 caused the highest multiple contents, particularly in the tomato cultivar Korall. The lowest multiple contents were for the Mobil cultivar. Spraying Mobil with salicylic acid (50 mg center dot L-1) and sodium bicarbonate (0.52%) produced the lowest chlorophyll and ionic content. Salicylic acid 50 mg center dot L-1 also led to the highest multiple values, particularly in the Carma pepper cultivar. The results revealed the multiple lowest contents of measured parameters were for the Bobita F1 cultivar. Finally, gardeners should consider growing Korall tomato and Carma pepper with a supportive spraying application of salicylic acid 50 mg center dot L-1 before seedlings are transferred to an open-air garden. Gardeners should consider the additional production-improving aspects described in existing research and seed manufacturer recommendations.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
abiotic stress
aorganic gardening
plant health
salicylic acid
SPAD index
Megjelenés:Agronomy-Basel. - 13 : 9 (2023), p. 1-14. -
További szerzők:Radócz László (1965-) (növényvédő agrármérnök) Kabashi, Besarta
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