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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114340
035-os BibID:(WoS)000607945400001 (Scopus)85100148543
Első szerző:Zsámberger Noémi Kinga (csillagász)
Cím:Magnetoacoustic Waves in a Magnetic Slab Embedded in an Asymmetric Magnetic Environment. III. Applications to the Solar Atmosphere / Noémi Kinga Zsámberger, Róbert Erdélyi
Megjegyzések:Analytical and numerical modeling of the behavior of magnetohydrodynamic waves in various magnetic geometries can offer a valuable contribution to the field of solar magnetoseismology. Based on analytical results from our previous studies, here we illustrate a few solar applications of these findings concerning the propagation of magnetoacoustic waves in a magnetic slab embedded in an asymmetric environment. Bearing in mind the simplifying assumptions made, this asymmetric model incorporating external magnetic fields can be used to describe a wide variety of multilayered solar features, some of which are observable and have already been studied in solar structures. Specific potential applications are: prominences, polar plumes and their environment, magnetic bright points, and light bridges, as well as adjacent large-scale layers in the solar atmosphere (e.g., the photosphere-interface region-corona triad, or the chromosphere?transition region-corona group). In these individual cases, the appropriate dispersion relations are derived and solved. The obtained wave propagation solutions may serve (i) not just as impetus to be confirmed by high-resolution observations but (ii) also to be exploited for further diagnostic purposes by solar magnetoseismology of these frequently studied magnetic structures.
Analytical and numerical modeling of the behavior of magnetohydrodynamic waves in various magnetic geometries can offer a valuable contribution to the field of solar magnetoseismology. Based on analytical results from our previous studies, here we illustrate a few solar applications of these findings concerning the propagation of magnetoacoustic waves in a magnetic slab embedded in an asymmetric environment. Bearing in mind the simplifying assumptions made, this asymmetric model incorporating external magnetic fields can be used to describe a wide variety of multilayered solar features, some of which are observable and have already been studied in solar structures. Specific potential applications are: prominences, polar plumes and their environment, magnetic bright points, and light bridges, as well as adjacent large-scale layers in the solar atmosphere (e.g., the photosphere -interface region-corona triad, or the chromosphere-transition region-corona group). In these individual cases, the appropriate dispersion relations are derived and solved. The obtained wave propagation solutions may serve (i) not just as impetus to be confirmed by high-resolution observations but (ii) also to be exploited for further diagnostic purposes by solar magnetoseismology of these frequently studied magnetic structures.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
fényes mágneses pontok (MBP)
Megjelenés:The Astrophysical Journal. - 906 : 2 (2021), p. 122-139. -
További szerzők:Erdélyi Róbert
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