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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114556
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85196409684
Első szerző:Patra, Sukanya
Cím:The role of salpingoscopy and falloposcopy in current clinical practice : A review / Patra S., Dave A., Manchanda R., Lukacs L., Török P.
Megjegyzések:Objective. Tubal pathology accounts for a third of infertility cases of which about 80 percent affects the ampulla and distal tube and 10 - 25 percent the proximal tube. Infertile patients with tubal pathology have two options for treatment, in vitro fertilization or tubal reconstructive microsurgery. The present study aims to perform a literature review to give a comprehensive knowledge of the role of salpingoscopy/ falloposcopy in the assessment of tubal pathology in infertile couples and its impact on clinical practice. Materials and Methods. A review of various articles on the technique of salpingoscopy/ falloposcopy and its clinical use in infertile patients was undertaken by searching databases like Pubmed, Scopus, Medline, Cochrane database, Embase, Web of science, Science direct, etc. The studies describing the methods and clinical scope of salpingoscopy and falloposcopy were included in the present study. Results. The method of salpingoscopy/ falloposcopy and its role in the management of infertile patients has been studied in various aspects. The technique, the assessment and classification of tubal pathology, and the clinical impact on the management of the infertile couple has been reported as per actual literature data. Conclusions. Salpingoscopy and falloposcopy are two important methods to assess the tubal mucosal surface. The conventional methods of examining the tubes by laparoscopy and HSG are inadequate for the study of tubal pathology. An endoscopic examination of the fallopian tubes along with HSG and laparoscopic evaluation of the pelvis will give complete information about the fallopian tubes.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
tubal surgery
unexplained infertility
Megjelenés:Italian Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. - [Epub ahead of print] (2023). -
További szerzők:Dave, Apoorva Manchanda, Rahul Lukács Luca (1995-) (hallgató) Török Péter (1975-) (szülész-nőgyógyász)
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