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001-es BibID:BIBFORM115884
Első szerző:Rébay Magdolna Éva (nevelés- és művelődéstörténész)
Cím:A természet A Magyar Cserkész című folyóiratban 1920-ban / Rébay Magdolna Éva
Megjegyzések:According to the founder of the Scouting movement, Robert Baden-Powell, scouting aims to educate the youth and make society better. One of its leading motives of this life-reforming movement is naturalism: based on its saying "back to nature", it suggests visiting the natural environment, discovering its beauty, and getting to know nature. Scouting wanted to let children know about a lifestyle that is close to nature with the help of camping. It sees nature healthy and it offers opportunities for exercising as well. In our article, we examined the first year of the official magazine of the Hun garian Scouting Association, A Magyar Cserkész (The Hungarian Scout) issued in 1920 regarding how the motif of nature appeared in the magazine. How was nature depicted:1 W hat activities were carried out in natúréi W hat were the goals of these activities? The results show that nature - as it is included in the official scouting pedagogy as well - is the place of work, entertainment, and rest. Spending some time in nature helps to preserve health and it also evolves good physical fitness. A lot can be learned from nature and it helps character development. A series of articles on trees inspired readers to love and get to know nature more and more. Keywords: Scouting, Hungary, Hungarian Scout magazine, A Magyar Cserkész, Nature, 1920
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:Mestermunka / szerk. Garai Imre; Kempf Katalin; Vincze Beatrix. - p. 259-267. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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