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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116159
Első szerző:Valnerné Török Eszter (német nyelvtanár)
Cím:Kulturális identitás ápolása Berlinben - a Berlini Szalon tevékenysége / Eszter Valnerné Török
Megjegyzések:Nourishing the cultural identity in Berlin - the pursuit of the community called Berlin Salon (Berlini Szalon) In my study I am presenting my research done within the circle of the attendees of the Berlin Salon, one of the informal Hungarian diaspore groups of Berlin. The research analyses and describes the pursuit of the Berlin Salon, which means a decisive social platform for the Hungarians living in the city. Berlin Salon provides opportunity and social space for the Hungarians living in Berlin to nourish their cultural roots, to come to know their cultural worth, to get artistic experiences, personal encounter, to get acquainted, to have interesting discussions and to broaden their contact network. It`s pursuit helps the discussion between majority and minority culture, and with that, the integration to the majority society. I am trying to reveal the most important momenta of integration to the majority culture via my research done in the circle of the Berlin Salon community, through the collective memory of the group.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Néprajz és kulturális antropológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
diaspore research
cultural roots
collective memory
Megjelenés:14th International Conference of J. Selye University. Language and Literacy Sections. Conference Proceedings / eds. Sz. Simon, R. Brdar-Szabó, A. Tóthné Litovkina. - p. 143-153. -
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