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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116382
035-os BibID:(WOS)001089381500001 (Scopus)85175069594 (Cikkazonosító)959
Első szerző:Zenan, Guo (mechatronics)
Cím:Bond-Graph-Based Approach to Teach PID and Sliding Mode Control in Mechatronics / Zenan Guo, Péter Korondi, Péter Tamás Szemes
Megjegyzések:The main contribution of this article is creating synergy between subjects; this means that students use the same graphical tool in several subjects. So far, the bond graph has not been used in control theory, but it is the "native language" of mechatronics engineers, so we would like to introduce it into the teaching of control theory. The bond graph method is proposed as a novel teaching method to teach mechatronics subjects in the paper. The bond graph is a graphical alternative to ordinary differential equations from a mathematical standpoint. Traditionally, control theory employs ordinary differential equations, as they are familiar to control theorists. However, mathematically, both approaches are equivalent but require a slightly different approach in their application. This article highlights the mathematical similarities between the two approaches while emphasizing the distinctions in graphical representation. Another contribution is that the PID and sliding mode controller are represented using the bond graph method. In the meantime, through the use of practical examples, we effectively illustrate how the same problem can be solved using either approach. In the training materials, the PID controller and an adaptive robust sliding mode controller (ARSMC) with the bond graph are utilized as examples to demonstrate synergy in mechatronics. Finally, we present proof that mechatronic engineers achieve superior outcomes when utilizing the bond graph approach, based on test results from undergraduate students.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Gépészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
adaptive robust control
block diagram
bond graph
LabVIEW programming
modeling and simulation
synergy in mechatronics
Megjelenés:Machines. - 11 : 10 (2023), p. 1-19. -
További szerzők:Korondi Péter (1960-) (villamosmérnök) Szemes Péter Tamás (1976-) (gépészmérnök, villamosmérnök)
Pályázati támogatás:OTKA K143595
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