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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116651
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85184961801
Első szerző:Bokor József
Cím:Order Selection for Stochastic Bilinear Systems / József Bokor, György Terdik
Megjegyzések:Identification of bilinear systems subject to white inputs is studied. Assuming bilinearity we use the cross covariances between the output and the higher-order Hermite polynomials of the input for estimating the coefficients of the Hermite series expansion of the output. The parameters of the bilinear model are obtained via a balanced factorization appropriately constructed Hankel matrix. The skewness of the singular values of the estimated Hankel matrix is applied for testing the order selection for the bilinear model.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok konferenciacikk
Stochastic system identification
Discrete bilinear systems
Frequency domain identification
Nonlinear system identification
Estimation and filtering
Realization theory
Singular values of Hankel matrix
Hermite series expansion
Order estimation by skewness
Megjelenés:IFAC-PapersOnLine. - 56 : 2 (2023), p. 5837-5842. -
További szerzők:Terdik György (1949-) (matematikus, informatikus)
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