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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117275
Első szerző:Tuegeh, Octavia Diana Monica
Cím:The Correlation of Management Control System Component and Financial Management (Case Study of GMIM'S Hospital in Manaod and Tomohon) / Octavia Diana Monica Tuegeh
Megjegyzések:In the era of ASEAN free market, companies that want to grow should have made changes. Among the changes made by the company is about the performance in the company or profitability. To be able to do so it requires the ability, the willingness of management who are experienced in managing and allocating the economic resources of the company systematically, effectively and efficiently so that the company to gain maximum profit, therefore the company must be able to control the assets, income and cost as much as possible.The study was conducted at GMIM Bethesda Hospital in Tomohon City and GMIM Pancaran Kasih Hospital in Manado City, North Sulawesi. The purpose of this research is to get empirical evidence about the relationship of management control system component (SPM), that is quality goal, quality feedback and quality incentive with financial performance at GMIM Bethesda hospital in Tomohon and Pancaran Kasih in Manado Data analysis method used is correlation analysis method. The value of this correlation coefficient is the value used to measure the strength (closeness) of a relationship between variables. In this case between quality qoal variables and financial performance, quality feedback and financial performance and quality incentive and financial performance. From the results of data analysis found that quality qoal, quality feedback and quality incentive and have a close relationship with financial performance.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Financial management
quality goal
quality feedback
quality incentive
Megjelenés:Journal of ASEAN Studies on Maritime Issues. - 3 : 5 (2017), p. 20-27. -
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