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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117557
Első szerző:Pál Károly (mikrobiológus)
Cím:Sexual genes in the asexual filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger and related Aspergilli / Károly Pál, Anne D. van Diepeningen, János Varga, Alfons J. M. Debets, Rolf F. Hoekstra
Megjegyzések:Sexual reproduction is a general feature in higher eukaryotes, although the genetic machinery to produce sexually derived offspring can be very different. Contrary to the megabase-sized sexual chromosomes of animals, fungal genomes harbour much shorter sequences located at the MAT locus which governs the mating processes. For heterothallic fungi, the two mating-types are characterised by the presence of either of the two idiomorphs of the MAT locus, MAT-1 or MAT-2, while homothallic species may contain both MAT idiomorphs. The black mould Aspergillus niger is known as an asexual species, but some related presumed asexual species have recently been shown to have a cryptic sexual cycle. The scope of this work was to screen for and compare mating and meiosis related genes in the two sequenced A. niger genomes and to compare them to those in related Aspergilli. The MAT-1 mating type gene was found in both sequenced A. niger strains, a MAT-2 homologue was not detected in either, indicating that this species is either heterothallic or truly asexual. In comparison, the sequenced homothallic A. nidulans genome contains both MAT genes on different chromosomes, whereas the A. fumigatus, A. oryzae, and A. terreus genomes contain one MAT gene per sequenced genome. Many of the proteins known from Saccharomyces cerevisiae to be involved in meiosis proved well conserved in all five tested sexual and presumed asexual Aspergillus species. The Aspergilli also proved to have very similar sets of pheromone processing and response pathway proteins. Comparison of the two A. niger genomes for their gene sets show that many of these proteins may have essential pleiotropic functions next to mating and meiosis.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok könyvfejezet
mating type genes
meiosis related genes
Megjelenés:Aspergillus in the genomic era / ed. by János Varga, Robert A. Samson. - p. 107-131. -
További szerzők:Diepeningen, Anne D. van Varga János Debets, Alfons J. M. Hoekstra, Rolf F.
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