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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117799
Első szerző:György Ottilia (közgazdász)
Cím:Cluster grouping of EU member states according to some economic performance and circular economic indicators / Ottilia György
Megjegyzések:In the next few years, the EU economy must go through a big change that will lead to a greener and more sustainable Europe. The goal is to use natural resources less, which will help protect biodiversity and cut down on waste, both of which are important parts of being sustainable. The EU Commission has been publishing reports, decisions and plans for the transition to a circular economy since 2015, with the primary aim of helping European countries to make the transition and accelerate progress. In 2020 the European Commission adopted a new Circular Economy Action Plan, and measuring the transition to a circular economy is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under SDG 12, Sustainable Production and Consumption. All EU Member States now aim to monitor their progress towards the SDG targets. After 2017, the problem of measuring the circular economy has also seen a surge in the literature, with an increasing number of experts exploring the issue. The circular economy concept covers many sectors, so it is clear that it cannot be captured by a single indicator. However, each country measures this using different national indicators, depending on the country's weaknesses and what it considers important to measure. Today, the issue of the transition to a circular economy (CE) in the EU has gained momentum. In recent years, the shift towards a circular economy has become increasingly visible in EU Member States. In their statistical records, they try to provide indicators to show the extent of this change. In other words, EU countries are increasingly focusing on measuring their progress at a macro level. At the same time, Member States are using different approaches to measuring sustainable consumption and production, and thus different indicators to measure the circular economy, and the shift towards the circular economy has become more pronounced in both less developed and developed EU Member States. The difference between Member States in this respect lies in their different levels of development and the fact that they have their own strategies and indicators. All the indicators under SDG 12 on achieving sustainable consumption and production measure the achievement of this objective. The difference between countries is that the indicators against which the SDGs are measured are not uniform. The indicators and their corresponding values can be found in the statistical systems of the Member States. The following study brings together the relevant information and aims to provide a general picture of the similarities and differences in this area, and to divide the EU countries into two distinct clusters using the indicators of the circular economy.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Circular economy
Sustainable production and consumption
Cluster analysis
Megjelenés:Vadyba Journal of Management. - 1 : 40 (2024), p. 17-25. -
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