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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117890
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85181697154 (WOS)001136669400001
Első szerző:Oduoye, Malik Olatunde
Cím:Unlocking the potential of novel RTS, S/AS01, and R21/MatrixM(TM) malaria vaccines in African nations / Malik Olatunde Oduoye, Muhammad Usman Haider, Mohammed Dheyaa Marsool Marsool, Mayowa Odunayo Kareem, Adenike Ebunoluwa Adedayo, Abdulkarim Surajo Abdulkarim, Abdullahi Adeyemi Adegoke, Ikshwaki Kaushik, Hamza Irfan, Hassan Abdullahi Yusuf, Hussain Haider Shah, Karim Arif Karim
Megjegyzések:Introduction: Mass malaria vaccination, rather than vaccinating only children below age 5, has been proven to have the potential to reduce morbidity and mortality among those vaccinated, both young and old. Addressing vaccine scepticism and misinformation is crucial in African nations to build public trust in malaria prevention. Therefore, including a wider range of demographics in vaccine trials is necessary for equitable representation and achieving herd immunity against malaria. Aim: This present article aims to identify some of the obstacles that impede malaria vaccination usage and acceptability in African Nations in combating malaria in the region as it continues to pose a significant global public health problem. Methodology: A literature search was done on the Malaria vaccine between 2000 and 2023. Past and present articles/studies on this topic were consulted on PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science using the following keywords; "Malaria," "Vaccines," "African Nations," "Obstacles, Strategies," and "Public Health.". Results: The recently approved RTS, S/AS01, and R21/Matrix-M(TM) Malaria vaccines have the potential to prevent numerous deaths and cases of Malaria in Africa. These vaccines Malaria vaccines are cost-effective in African areas with moderate to high plasmodium falciparum and can be delivered through routine immunization. Conclusion: To combat malaria effectively in African Nations, African leaders need to set up a comprehensive approach that involves; prevention, healthcare access, implementation research strategies towards adoption and acceptance of malaria vaccines in Africa as well as community engagement with the religious leaders, the market women, community heads, schools, as well as students' union towards the willingness and acceptability of the malaria vaccines among the African populations.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
African Nations
public health
Megjelenés:Health Science Reports. - 7 : 1 (2024), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Haider, Muhammad Usman Marsool, Mohammed Dheyaa Marsool Kareem, Mayowa Odunayo Adedayo, Adenike Ebunoluwa Abdulkarim, Abdulkarim Surajo Adegoke, Abdullahi Adeyemi Kaushik, Ikshwaki Irfan, Hamza Yusuf, Hassan Abdullahi Shah, Hussain Haider Karim, Karim Arif
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