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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118245
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85179511071
Első szerző:Kocsis Imre (matematikus, gépészmérnök)
Cím:Discrete-time modeling and animation with mechatronics approach for control education / Kocsis Imre, Mikuska Robert, Budai Csaba, Kis Károly Árpád, Korondi Péter
Megjegyzések:A major problem in teaching and learning control theory is acquiring unconventional systems thinking. However, using discrete-time models does not require infinitesimal mathematics, so building on the knowledge acquired at the high school level is possible. This paper aims to show how different discrete-time models (discrete-time convolution, autoregressive moving average model) can be used to illustrate the basic principles of control engineering and describe dynamic systems. With these and similar methods, the focus is shifted to understanding mechatronic engineering, thus increasing the effectiveness of the teaching.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok előadáskivonat
discrete-time model
systems engineering
discrete-time convolution
autoregressive moving average model
interactive learning
Megjelenés:2023 IEEE 10th International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE) / IEEE. - p. 1-6. -
További szerzők:Mikuska Róbert (mechatronika) Budai Csaba Kis Károly Árpád (2001-) (mechatronikai mérnök) Korondi Péter (1960-) (villamosmérnök)
Internet cím:DOI
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