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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118249
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85182839571 (WOS)001146873100001
Első szerző:Cseh Borbála
Cím:Organizational development and management factors involved in the prevention and effective therapy of pressure ulcers : the results of the national survey conducted among Hungarian public hospitals / Borbala Cseh, Zoltan Balogh, Johanna Takacs, Gergo Túri, Csaba Laszlo Dozsa
ISSN:1742-4801 1742-481X
Megjegyzések:The prevention of pressure ulcer (PU) or pressure injury (PI) wounds is of public health importance in developed countries, including Hungary. The study aimed to assess the PU/PI prevention and care practices of Hungarian public hospitals and identify organizational and management factors. In 2022, a national, questionnaire-based survey of inpatient institutions relevant to PU/PI care was conducted, providing a picture of the practices of 86 hospitals for the year 2019. The questionnaire was processed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The survey results show that good practices in Hungary are isolated, the reporting system is inhomogeneous, and documentation is not uniform across our institutional system. Of the 86 institutions, 71.0% operate a PU prevention team, 64.0% use prophylactic dressings, and 88.3% use an anti-decubitus mattress, with an average ratio of 26.1% to the number of beds. Less than half of the institutions reported the incidence of hospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs). In this sample, we found no significant association between hospital type and hospital size with the incidence of full-thickness HAPIs (stage III and IV wounds). Developing a comprehensive PU/PI reporting system and updating the national PU/PI prevention and care guidelines are essential in Hungary.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
chronic wound care
injury prevention
pressure ulcer
pressure ulcer prevention team
Megjelenés:International Wound Journal. - 21 : 1 (2024), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Balogh Zoltán Takács Johanna (1980-) (pszichológus) Túri Gergő Dózsa Csaba László
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