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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118346
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)2580 (Scopus)85184710638 (WoS)001207626400008
Első szerző:Mátyás Szabolcs
Cím:Types and spatial characteristics of traffic offences committed by road hauliers and carriers in the North Great Plain region, Hungary / Mátyás, Szabolcs; Radics, Zsolt; Balogh, Andrej; Keller, Krisztina; Dávid, Dénes Lóránt; Harman, Enikő
ISSN:2572-7923 2572-7931
Megjegyzések:This study examines the spatial distribution and structure of traffic offences in the Northern Great Plain region. The research is unique in that it examines a specific area through the lens of geography. The research shows and demonstrates that the research area of crime and transport geography is much broader than previous researches has shown. At the beginning of the study, the authors clarified the conceptual framework, as the terms "violation" and "offence" are often confused even in technical materials. The research shows which routes are the most frequently used by road hauliers in the regions under study and what type of checks have been carried out on these routes by the Transport Authorities of the Government Offices. The type of administrative penalty detected and the nationality breakdown of the infringements are described. The study typifies the infringements involving administrative fines by nationality category.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
bűnügyi földrajz
Észak-alföldi régió
Megjelenés:Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development. - 8 : 3 (2024), p. 1-21. -
További szerzők:Radics Zsolt (1976-) (történész, geográfus) Balogh Andrej Keller Krisztina Dávid Dénes Lóránt Harman Enikő (1975-) (geográfus)
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