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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118498
035-os BibID:(Cikkazonosító)1592 (WoS)000690239600001 (Scopus)85113142544
Első szerző:Fehér Enikő (molekuláris biológus, mikrobiológus)
Cím:Genomic Epidemiology and Evolution of Duck Hepatitis A Virus / Enikő Fehér, Szilvia Jakab, Krisztina Bali, Eszter Kaszab, Borbála Nagy, Katalin Ihász, Ádám Bálint, Vilmos Palya, Krisztián Bányai
Megjegyzések:Duck hepatitis A virus (DHAV), an avian picornavirus, causes high-mortality acute disease in ducklings. Among the three serotypes, DHAV-1 is globally distributed, whereas DHAV-2 and DHAV-3 serotypes are chiefly restricted to Southeast Asia. In this study, we analyzed the genomic evolution of DHAV-1 strains using extant GenBank records and genomic sequences of 10 DHAV-1 strains originating from a large disease outbreak in 2004?2005, in Hungary. Recombination analysis revealed intragenotype recombination within DHAV-1 as well as intergenotype recombination events involving DHAV-1 and DHAV-3 strains. The intergenotype recombination occurred in the VP0 region. Diversifying selection seems to act at sites of certain genomic regions. Calculations estimated slightly lower rates of evolution of DHAV-1 (mean rates for individual protein coding regions, 5.6286 ? 10?4 to 1.1147 ? 10?3 substitutions per site per year) compared to other picornaviruses. The observed evolutionary mechanisms indicate that whole-genome-based analysis of DHAV strains is needed to better understand the emergence of novel strains and their geographical dispersal.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Viruses-Basel. - 13 : 8 (2021), p. 1-10. -
További szerzők:Jakab Szilvia Bali Krisztina Kaszab Eszter (1989-) (biológus) Nagy Borbála Ihász Katalin Bálint Ádám Palya Vilmos Bányai Krisztián (virológus)
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