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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118803
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)574 (Scopus)85187457783 (WoS)001183446800001
Első szerző:Avinash, Pawar Gayatri
Cím:Recent insights into the morphological, nutritional and phytochemical properties of Indian Gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) for the development of functional foods / Pawar Gayatri Avinash, Hamid, Rafeeya Shams, Kshirod Kumar Dash, Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh, Diána Ungai, Endre Harsányi, Tejas Suthar, Béla Kovács
Megjegyzések:Aonla, commonly known as Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica), is a plant native to India with various therapeutic and dietary benefits. This review covers the taxonomical, morphological, and species-level classifications of aonla fruit, including its flower biology, maturation, harvesting, and yield metrics. It also discusses the nutritional, physicochemical, and phytochemical characteristics and the total antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and mineral compositions of several aonla fruit cultivars. Additionally, the health benefits of aonla are reviewed, including its analgesic, antipyretic, antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, ulcerogenic, chemo-protective, neuroprotective, free radical scavenging, hypoglycemic, and immunogenic properties, which make it beneficial in the treatment and prevention of various illnesses. Further, various forms of fruit extract are also considered to be beneficial for the improvement of plant and animal health. Overall, aonla is a valuable fruit with significant potential for use in improving human health.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Indian gooseberry
nutritional value
phytochemical properties
clinical studies
Megjelenés:Plants-Basel. - 13 : 5 (2024), p. 1-19. -
További szerzők:Hamid Shams, Rafeeya Dash, Kshirod Kumar Shaikh, Ayaz Mukarram (1991-) (PhD candidate) Ungai Diána (1980-) (agrármérnök) Harsányi Endre (1976-) (agrármérnök) Suthar, Tejas Kovács Béla (1963-) (okleveles vegyész, angol szakfordító)
Pályázati támogatás:TKP2021-NKTA-32
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