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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119432
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85180448351
Első szerző:Albar, Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah
Cím:Nurturing Tomorrow's Jurists: Rethinking the Indonesian Constitutional Court's Clerkship System through a Comparative Lens / Albar, Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah; Siregar, Eugenia Felicia Natiur; Al Asyari, Haekal
ISSN:2548-1584 2548-1592
Megjegyzések:This paper dives into the clerkship system at the Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK), an independent judicial organ that holds high importance as the guardian of the constitution. While the court's nine justices benefit from the existence of a clerk's office, its work is still very limited to administrative matters. The paper begins by questioning whether the current system is sufficient to assist justices in their work and fulfil the larger aims of judicial clerkship. Its ultimate objective as a follow-up to the question is to identify ways to improve MK's clerkship system. In order to assess the Indonesian clerkship system, a comparative analysis study of three other countries' courts that similarly act as guardians of their respective constitutions ? namely the Supreme Court of the United States, Constitutional Court of South Africa, and Supreme Court of India ? is conducted. Although these courts vary in their scope of work, primarily with regard to their relationships with other courts in the countries' judicial systems, they share several synonymous key traits like their importance in the systems which thus make them great ♭training grounds' for future jurists. It is found firstly that there is indeed a need to change the clerkship system in MK as there are multiple ways in which clerks can help the court and benefit from it. Consequently, the changes that should be made run deep into the very purposes and roles of clerks, the structure of the committee or program, and the expected qualifications and selection process. By drawing inspiration from the three aforementioned courts, a contextualized adoption can be identified by taking into account Indonesia's own circumstances. ? 2023 by Author(s).
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Állam- és jogtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Comparative Study
Constitutional Court
Judicial Clerkship
Legal Education
Mahkamah Konstitusi
Megjelenés:Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies. - 8 : 2 (2023), p. 975-1018. -
További szerzők:Siregar, Eugenia Felicia Natiur Al Asyari, Haekal (1994-) (PhD student)
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