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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119625
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85186334867
Első szerző:Li Zhengrui
Cím:A Mendelian Randomisation Analysis Reveals No Relationship Between Periodontitis and Coronary Atherosclerosis / Zhengrui Li, Qi Wang, Xufeng Huang, Yinteng Wu, Rao Fu, Xutao Wen, Ji'An Liu, Yuanguo Chen, Ying Liu, Ling Zhang
Megjegyzések:Growing evidence appears to intimate a profound connection between periodontitis and coronary atherosclerosis (CA), yet the existence of a causal relationship remains unclear. Through the implementation of Mendelian randomization analysis, we further evaluated the potential causal link between chronic/acute periodontitis (CP/AP) and CA. Methods: Utilizing genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics, we incorporated periodontitis data derived from European samples (n1 = 198,441; n2 = 195,762) and CA data from 61,194 cases. We conducted a 2 sample, bidirectional Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis using the inverse-variance weighted (IVW) method as the main analytical approach. Supplementary analyses were executed through MR Egger, Weighted median (WM), IVW, Simple mode, and Weighted mode approaches. Results: The IVW analysis revealed no significant causal relationship between CA and periodontitis (CA-CP: OR = 2.110, 95% CI = 0.208-21.317, P = .527; CA-AP: OR = 0.414, 95% CI = 0.051-3.384, P = .644). Similarly, the bidirectional analysis did not identify impact of periodontitis on CA (OR = 1.000, 95% CI = 0.999-1.001, P = .953). The supplementary analyses corroborated these findings. Conclusions: While studies highlighting a correlation between periodontitis and CA, our comprehensive analysis does not corroborate a causal association between periodontitis and CA. Further research is needed to elucidate other potential shared mechanisms and causal evidence between periodontitis and CA.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:International Dental Journal. - 74 : 4 (2024), p. 705-712. -
További szerzők:Wang Qi Huang, Xufeng (1997-) (fogorvos) Wu, Yinteng Fu Rao Wen Xutao Liu Ji'An Chen, Yuanguo Liu, Ying Zhang Ling
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