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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119632
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85186383343
Első szerző:De Smedt, Julie
Cím:Clinical and genetic determinants of vitamin D receptor expression in cutaneous melanoma patients / Julie De Smedt, Claudia Aura, Sofie Van Kelst, Laudine Janssen, Vivien Marasiganc, Veerle Boecxstaens, Marguerite Stas, Kris Bogaerts, Ann Belmans, Isabelle Cleynen, Dirk Vanderschueren, Katleen Vandenberghe, Oliver Bechter, Arjen Nikkels, Tinne Strobbe, Gabriella Emri, Dieter Lambrechts, Marjan Garmyn
Megjegyzések:Decrease of vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression is observed in melanocytic naevi and melanoma compared to normal skin. Little is known about factors influencing VDR expression in cutaneous melanoma (CM). We investigated the correlation of VDR expression in CM with 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) levels, demographic/clinical parameters, genetic variants of VDR and pathology of the primary tumor. Demographic/clinical parameters were recorded in 407 prospectively recruited CM patients of a multi-center controlled study (ViDMe trial). We determined VDR expression both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm by semi-quantitative assessment in CM tissue using histochemistry in 279 patients, expressed in percentages and histoscore (H-score). Genomic DNA from 332 patients was extracted to genotype thirteen VDR single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using TaqMan. VDR expression in CM tissue from 279 patients was correlated with clinical/ demographic parameters and 25OHD levels (univariable and multivariable analysis), VDR SNPs (univariable analysis) and pathology parameters of primary CM tissue (univariable analysis). Cytoplasmic VDR expression was increased in patients who stated to have a high sun exposure during their life compared to patients with low sun exposure (pH-score,univariable: 0.001, pH-score,multivariable: 0.004). The A allele of the genetic VDR polymorphism Fok1 was associated with a higher expression of the VDR in the cytoplasm (pcytoplasmic, univariable: 0.001 and pH-score, univariable: 0.02). In the primary tumor, presence of mitosis (pnucleus,%, univariable: 0.002) and perineural invasion (pnucleus,%,univariable: 0.03) were significantly associated with low nuclear VDR expression.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
cutaneous melanoma
vitamin D receptor
vitamin D receptor polymorphisms
Megjelenés:Melanoma Research. - 34 : 2 (2024), p. 125-133. -
További szerzők:Aura, Claudia Van Kelst, Sofie Janssen, Laudine Marasigan, Vivien Boecxstaens, Veerle Stas, Marguerite Bogaerts, Kris Belmans, Ann Cleynen, Isabelle Vanderschueren, Dirk Vandenberghe, Katleen Bechter, Oliver Nikkels, Arjen Strobbe, Tinne Emri Gabriella (1972-) (bőrgyógyász, allergológus, onkológus) Lambrechts, Dieter (1976-) (genetikus) Garmyn, Marjan
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