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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119656
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85188475753
Első szerző:Sági Tamás
Cím:Csiszolt kőeszközök nyersanyagtípusainak csoportosítása mágneses szuszceptibilitás, tömeg, térfogat, sűrűség és magasság alapján : Esettanulmány Bátaszék-Alsónyékről / Sági Tamás, Józsa Sándor, Janka Péter, Káposztás Viktória, Oelberg-Pánczél Emese, Szendrei Zsolt, Szücs Levente Csaba, Virág Attila
Megjegyzések:Classification of raw material types of polished stone tools based on magnetic susceptibility, weight, volume, density and height data - a case study from Bátaszék-Alsónyék (Hungary)
Many methods are used to determine the raw material of the polished stone tools, from fundamental macroscopic petrological analysis to state-of-the-art instrumental studies. The selection of representative specimens of certain types of raw materials for instrumental analysis from a found assemblage - which often represents a large number of stone tools - is a major challenge for geologists. This research attempts to identify differences between the raw material types of polished stone tools based on easily measurable characteristics (mass, volume, density, magnetic susceptibility, and thickness, Figs. 2 and 4) using standardized principal component analysis (PCA). For this we used altogether 467 artefacts originating from the Late Neolithic (ca. 5800-4500 cal BC, Lengyel culture) Alsónyék-Bátaszék site (South Hungary). By excluding a few small tools with imprecise density measurements, we reduced the sample to 411 specimens (Fig. 1). The artefacts were categorized preliminary into 18 main rock types (aleurolite, amphibolite, andesite, basaltic andesite, basalt/basaltoids, chert, eclogite, hornfels, limestone, marl, (contact) metabasite, metavolcanite, microgranite, nephrite, sandstone, serpentinite, spiculite, whitestone) based on their macroscopic characteristics and using only simple equipment (hand lens with 10x magnification, a neodymium magnet, 10 wt% acetic acid, distilled water). This grouping was validated by the produced PCA ordination (Fig. 5), although there were noticeable overlaps between some clusters. The resulting morphospace helped us in the further subdivision of macroscopically inseparable rock types (such as whitestones). It also aided the identification of specimens with visually and/or parametrically transitional features (e.g., dolerite and microgabbro in between alkali basalt and phonolite/microfoyaite). Although some of the stone tools had seemingly identical appearance with the members of a specific rock type, the ordination proved to be useful in revealing such misinterpretations by drawing our attention to their outlying parametric values.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
polished stone tool
magnetic susceptibility
rocks density
correlation heatmap
principal component analysis
Megjelenés:Archeometriai Műhely. - 21 : 2 (2024), p. 89-100. -
További szerzők:Józsa Sándor Janka Péter Káposztás Viktória Oelberg-Pánczél Emese Szendre Zsolt Szücs Levente Csaba Virág Attila (1986-) (geológus)
Pályázati támogatás:K-131814
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