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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120048
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)105595 (Scopus)85141791705 (WoS)000903745000003
Első szerző:Herzig, Thomas
Cím:Site selection, thermodynamics, environment and life support analysis for the PneumoPlanet inflatable lunar habitat concept / Thomas Herzig, Norbert I. Kömle, Wolfgang Macher, Gabor Bihari, Philipp Gläser
Megjegyzések:Human habitats on the lunar surface have been planned and designed already since the beginning of the space age in the early 1960's, long before the successful Apollo missions, which for the first time brought humans to the Moon and safely back to Earth. While existing plans for manned lunar stations were postponed for a long time for various reasons, the interest in building permanent research stations on the surface of the Moon re-awoke in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Hereby, the focus turned more and more towards the lunar poles, where strong indications for the existence of water ice inside permanently dark craters were found. In this study we present a design for a lunar habitat, which makes maximal use of the natural resources available on the Moon, in particular in the vicinity of the poles, while at the same time the necessary material transfer from Earth to the lunar surface is minimized. We identify and study the sites around the lunar poles (both north and south pole) and present a design for a lunar habitat consisting of up to 16 greenhouses suitable for permanently housing and nourishing up to 32 humans. The greenhouses have a toroidal shape and are connected by tunnels. The horizontally incident sunlight is re-directed by a rotating mirror towards an artificial crater and from there through a transparent foil to the interior of the greenhouses. The main feature of our design is that the walls of the greenhouses as well as the attached rooms and tunnels are made of extremely light-weight materials, which are inflated to their final size simply by applying air pressure. Effective protection against harmful cosmic radiation is reached by covering greenhouses, living areas and connecting tunnels with a several metres thick layer of loose regolith. This cover ensures also a high level of thermal isolation, which helps to avoid too fast cooling of the interior during phases of total darkness. Finite element models of the thermodynamic behaviour of the suggested design confirm that life-friendly conditions can be created and kept over long time spans by using only the available solar illumination as power source and installing a state-of-art cooling system for the interior. In contrast to other concepts, the basic building blocks of this habitat design could be transported to the lunar surface by existing rocket systems offering a medium transport capacity, like Ariane 64, in combination with the planned European Large Logistics Lunar Lander Finally, various safety issues that might occur during setup and operation of such a lunar habitat, are discussed.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Lunar habitats
Thermo-physical modelling
In situ resources
Megjelenés:Planetary And Space Science. - 224 (2022), p. 1-22. -
További szerzők:Kömle, Norbert I. Macher, Wolfgang Bihari Gábor (1971-) (fizikus) Gläser, Philipp
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