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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120060
Első szerző:Hudák Bence
Cím:Climbing with discus hernia : sport climbing with discus degeneration, decompression of the disc and strengthening of the deep trunk stabilizer muscles / Bence Hudák, Csepregi Éva
Megjegyzések:Az anyag az alábbi internetes weboldalon meghirdetett pályázatba került beadásra, a The Climbing Sig oldal felhívására készült: https://theclimbingdoctor.com/portfolio-items/sig-2/ A honlapon olvasható anyag alapját a csatolt pdf anyagunk adta. After a long day of work at the office you finally get to your favorite gym. You perform a quick warm-up and 15 minutes into it you are on the wall to try a freshly set of new boulder problems. As you push yourself harder and harder, you keep falling. After landing a few times on your feet you start to feel some soreness in your spine. And then during landing, you feel a sharp sudden pain in your back. You walk over to a pull-up bar to hang and try to relieve the pain but the pain is still there. So you end the session and decide not to stretch afterward. A few weeks pass and the pain is gone. However, you try to climb again and again but the more you fall, the more you feel your back.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok nem besorolt
intervertebral disc herniation
sport climbing
További szerzők:Csepregi Éva (1978-) (gyógytornász, tanár)
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