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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120114
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85159682435 (WoS)000961261800002
Első szerző:Naveen, R.
Cím:Systemic sclerosis and COVID-19 vaccine safety : short-term insights from the global COVID-19 vaccination in autoimmune disease (COVAD) survey / Naveen R., Thakare Darpan R., Kuwana Masataka, Pauling John D., Day Jessica, Joshi Mrudula, Parodis Ioannis, Sen Parikshit, Jagtap Kshitij, Nikiphorou Elena, Saha Sreoshy, Agarwal Vishwesh, Chatterjee Tulika, Lilleker James B., Kardes Sinan, Milchert Marcin, Gheita Tamer, Salim Babur, Velikova Tsvetelina, Gracia-Ramos Abraham Edgar, Tan Ai Lyn, Nune Arvind, Cavagna Lorenzo, Saavedra Miguel A., Shinjo Samuel Katsuyuki, Ziade Nelly, Knitza Johannes, Distler Oliver, Chinoy, COVAD Study Group, Aggarwal Rohit, Gupta Latika, Agarwal Vikas, Makol Ashima
ISSN:0172-8172 1437-160X
Megjegyzések:The safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines is understudied in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). We compared short-term adverse events (AEs) 7 days following vaccination in patients with SSc vs other rheumatic (AIRDs), non-rheumatic autoimmune diseases (nrAIDs), and healthy controls (HCs). The COVID-19 Vaccination in autoimmune diseases (COVAD) self-reporting e-survey was circulated by a group of > 110 collaborators in 94 countries from March to December 2021. AEs were analyzed between different groups using regression models. Of 10,679 complete respondents [73.8% females, mean age 43 years, 53% Caucasians], 478 had SSc. 83% had completed two vaccine doses, Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) (51%) was the most common. Minor and major AEs were reported by 81.2% and 3.3% SSc patients, respectively, and did not differ significantly with disease activity or different vaccine types, though with minor symptom differences. Frequencies of AEs were not affected by background immunosuppression, though SSc patients receiving hydroxychloroquine experienced fatigue less commonly (OR 0.4; 95% CI 0.2-0.8). Frequency of AEs and hospitalisations were similar to other AIRDs, nrAIDs, and HC except a higher risk of chills (OR 1.3; 95% CI 1.0-1.7) and fatigue (OR 1.3; 95% CI 1.0-1.6) compared to other AIRDs. COVID-19 vaccines were largely safe and well tolerated in SSc patients in the short term. Background immunosuppression and disease activity did not influence the vaccination-related short-term AEs.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Adverse events
Autoimmune diseases
Systemic sclerosis
Megjelenés:Rheumatology International. - 43 : 7 (2023), p. 1265-1275. -
További szerzők:Thakare, Darpan R. Kuwana, Masataka Pauling, John D. Day, Jessica Joshi, Mrudula Parodis, Ioannis Sen, Parikshit Jagtap, Kshitij Nikiphorou, Elena (reumatológus) Saha, Sreoshy Agarwal, Vishwesh Chatterjee, Tulika Lilleker, James B. Kardes, Sinan Milchert, Marcin Gheita, Tamer A. Salim, Babur Velikova, Tsvetelina Gracia-Ramos, Abraham Edgar Tan, Ai Lyn Nune, Arvind Cavagna, Lorenzo Saavedra, Miguel A. Shinjo, Samuel Katsuyuki Ziade, Nelly Knitza, Johannes Distler, Oliver Aggarwal, Rohit Gupta, Latika Agarwal, Vikas Makol, Ashima Nagy-Vincze Melinda (1985-) (orvos) COVAD Study Group
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