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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120333
Első szerző:Szászi Beáta (PhD hallgató)
Cím:The motivation for operation in aesthetical surgery: An interview study / Szászi Beáta, Szabó Pál
Megjegyzések:Poszter, 3. helyezett
Nowadays mass media and the social expectations related to appearance press one not to undertake his or her age, and to try to preserve youth in more and more extreme ways. The development of aesthetical surgery, the increased need to change human body, led to a huge increase in plastic surgery procedures (American Association of Plastic Surgeons, 2007). In Hungary, there are no statistical data about the number and kinds of cosmetic surgical procedures and about their complications, however, the frequency of such procedures in Hungary is estimated to equal with the mean of those in the European Union. Aims: To explore motivations, expectations and role conflicts related to aesthetic surgery, and to assess the prevalence of the symptoms of eating disorders (EDs) and body image disorders (BID) among women underwent cosmetic operation(s). Methods: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with women (n = 20) who requested plastic surgery. Results: Major factors influencing the decisions of women were as follows: cosmetic surgery-related stories of significant others (relatives or friends), the role of the surgeon, family trauma or major life events, role conflict in regard to aging (midlife crisis). The symptoms of EDs and BIDs were prevalent in the group under the scope of the study. Conclusions: To decrease the frustration of patients requesting cosmetic surgery (and that of the surgeons as well) the plastic surgeon must be alert concerning the symptoms of EDs and BIDs. The exploration of the motivational background of the operation planned could help in detecting patients whose operation may be contraindicated.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Pszichológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
cosmetic surgical procedures
body image
motivational interview
Megjelenés:19.International Wissenschaftliche Tagung, Kongress Essstörungen Alpbach, 2011 October 20-22. Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria : Programm and Abstracts / Günther Rathner. - p. 49
További szerzők:Szabó Pál (1954-) (neurológus, pszichiáter)
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