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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120418
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85190268086
Első szerző:Raza, Ali
Cím:Heat transfer model analysis of fractional Jeffery-type hybrid nanofluid dripping through a poured microchannel / Ali Raza, Ovidiu V. Stadoleanu, Ahmed M. Abed, Ali Hasan Ali, Mohammed Sallah
Megjegyzések:This study investigates the impact of coupled heat and mass transfer on the peristaltic migration of a magne tohydrodynamic (MHD) stress-strain Jeffery-type hybrid nanofluid flowing through an inclined asymmetric micro-channel with a porous medium. The fundamental two-dimensional momentum and energy transport equations are simplified under the assumptions of long wavelength and low Reynolds number. To solve the momentum and heat transfer problems, two advanced fractional derivative approaches are employed: the fractal integral and the Prabhakar fractional derivative. The pressure difference is determined using numerical integration techniques, such as the Stehfest and Tzou's algorithms. The results are presented through graphs and tables, which illustrate the effects of various parameters on the velocity, heat transfer, and trapping phenomena. As a result, we concluded that, pressure gradients grow with higher Reynolds numbers and channel-inclined angles. The heat transfer rate is observed to decrease as the Darcy number and the orientation of the electro magnetic field increase. When comparing the fractional derivative approaches, the fractal operator exhibits a more significant impact on the momentum profiles compared to the Prabhakar fractional operator. This differ ence is attributed to the distinct characteristics of the integral kernels associated with each fractional derivative definition. Furthermore, when comparing hybrid nanofluids, water-based (H2O + Ag + TiO2) hybrid fluids have a somewhat more significant effect than (C6H9NaO7 + Ag + TiO2) hybrid nanofluids.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Comparative study
Hybrid nanofluid
Generalized Couette flow
Numerical algorithms
Megjelenés:International Journal of Thermofluids. - 22 (2024), p. 1-14. -
További szerzők:Stadoleanu, Ovidiu V. Abed, Ahmed M. Ali, Ali Hasan (1989-) (matematikus) Sallah, Mohammed
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