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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120518
035-os BibID:(Scopus)0024350099 (WoS)A1989AZ96900003
Első szerző:Rajnavölgyi Éva (immunológus)
Cím:Structural characteristics influencing the carrier function of synthetic branched polypeptides based on poly[Lys-(dl-Ala)3)]backbone / Rajnavölgyi É., Lányi Á., Hudecz F., Kurucz I., Kiss K., László G., Szekerke M., Gergely J.
Megjegyzések:Effective carrier function of selected representatives of new branched polypeptides covalently coupled with the synthetic monovalent hapten, oxazolone was studied. The effectiveness of oxazolone-synthetic polypeptide conjugates in inducing oxazolone-as well as carrier-specific antibody responses in inbred mice was compared to that of bovine serum albumin (BSA)- and KLH-oxazolone conjugates. The synthetic polypeptides, poly[Lys-(D-Leui-DL-Alam)] (D-LAK), LAK and FAK, as well as the common poly[Lys-(DL-Alam)](AK) core covalently coupled to oxazolone (Ox) induced a T cell-dependent antibody response when repeatedly administered with or without Freund's adjuvant in mice. This was evidenced by: the increasing titer of oxazolone-specific IgG during the course of the memory response; the appearance of all IgG subclasses; the effective oxazolone-specific priming by the conjugates; and the induction of an intense oxazolone- and carrier-specific DTH reaction. Although the oxazolone-specific antibody response was 10-100 times lower than that induced by KLH- or BSA-oxazolone conjugates, it was accompanied by a lower level or no detectable carrier-specific antibody response despite an effective carrier-specific T cell-mediated response. Significant differences were observed between the effectiveness of synthetic polypeptides used as carrier: highest oxazolone-specific antibody titers were observed using the AK, LAK and FAK conjugates. The intensity and specificity of the DTH reaction and antibody response induced by the carrier-oxazolone conjugates suggested that the distinct effectiveness of L- and D-amino acid-containing conjugates (LAK vs D-LAK and FAK vs D-FAK) was dependent on altered B cell recognition of the haptenic group. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra indicating different local orientation of oxazolone, when coupled to L or D side chain-terminating amino acids, support this suggestion.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Molecular Immunology. - 26 : 10 (1989), p. 949-958. -
További szerzők:Lányi Árpád (1962-) (biológus, immunológus) Hudecz Ferenc Kurucz István Kiss Katalin (jogász) László G. Szekerke M. Gergely J.
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