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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120525
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85174465282 (WoS)001085104100006
Első szerző:Moldován Krisztián
Cím:Correction to "Mechanism of Hydration Induced Stiffening and Subsequent Plasticization of Polyamide Aerogel" / Krisztián Moldován, Attila Forgács, Geo Paul, Leonardo Marchese, Adél Len, Zoltán Dudás, Sándor Kéki, István Fábián, József Kalmár
Megjegyzések:The word "longitudinal" is corrected to "transverse" in two instances in the main text, as follows. 1) In the "Results and Discussion / NMR Relaxometry" section: ORIGINAL SENTENCE: The longitudinal (spin-spin) relaxation times (T2) of water protons can be distinct depending on the chemical environment of the corresponding water molecules. CORRECTED SENTENCE: The transverse (spin-spin) relaxation times (T2) of water protons can be distinct depending on the chemical environment of the corresponding water molecules. 2) In the caption of Figure 7: ORIGINAL SENTENCE: Both panels show the values of the longitudinal relaxation times (T2) as the function of the water content of PAA. CORRECTED SENTENCE: Both panels show the values of the transverse relaxation times (T2) as the function of the water content of PAA. This error has no further ramifications on the results or conclusions in the original manuscript.[1] The authors sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this correction.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok hozzászólás
Megjelenés:Advanced Materials Interfaces. - 10 : 29 (2023), p. 1. -
További szerzők:Forgács Attila (1988-) (vegyész) Paul, Geo Marchese, Leonardo Len Adél Dudás Zoltán Kéki Sándor (1964-) (polimer kémikus) Fábián István (1956-) (vegyész) Kalmár József (1985-) (vegyész)
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