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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120597
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85135794004 (WOS)000817163700007
Első szerző:Dirgar, Ezgi
Cím:Investigation of the Psychological Resilience of Health Sciences Students in Terms of Some Variables in the COVID-19 Pandemic / Dirgar, Ezgi ; Tosun, Betül ; Papp, Katalin ; Dolanbay, Buğlem Kadriye ; Olgun, Nermin ; Özen, Nurten
Megjegyzések:Psychological resilience is defined as the ability to recover from difficult life experiences or the ability to effectively deal with changes or disasters. The unexpectedly high rate of COVID-19 disease spread and quarantine policies can escalate stress levels and lead to emotional problems. It is crucial to equip health sciences students with proper knowledge, attitudes and behaviors on COVID-19, as they will serve in the frontlines of the campaign against the pandemic and proper training comes with resilience. This research, which aims to examine the psychological resilience of health sciences faculty students in the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of some variables, was carried out with 426 students studying at the Faculty of Health Sciences of a university located in the southeast region of Turkey. Personal Information Form, Coronavirus Information Form and the Adult Psychological Resilience Scale were used as data collection tools. After the analysis of normality, Student t Test, One way ANOVA ve Multiple Lineer Regresyon analyses were used, the means were given with standard deviations, and p<0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. More than half of the students (55.6%) were female, 93.9% were single and their mean age was 20.65 +/- 2.25 years. The nursing students got the lowest scale score, nutrition and dietetics students; the psychological endurance of singles, unemployed people, and those who constantly wash their hands and clean their surroundings were higher. It was concluded that the pandemic affected the resilience of health sciences faculty students in different ways, and that the resilience of students was above the average.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Psychological Resilience
Megjelenés:Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology. - 4 : 2 (2022), p. 162-170. -
További szerzők:Tosun, Betül Papp Katalin (1954-) (közoktatásvezető) Dolanbay, Buğlem Kadriye Olgun, Nermin Özen, Nurten
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