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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120724
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85143622817 (WoS)000855778400038
Első szerző:Radeef, Ahmed Maki
Cím:Piracetam And Citicoline Effect on The General Anesthesia Animals Model / Ahmed Maki Radeef, Ali S. Wadday, Ali Mohammed Obayes, Aiman Mohammed Baqir Al-Dhalimy, Baraa Akaal Al-Hasan, Ghadeer Sabah Bustani
ISSN:0976-9234 2229-7723
Megjegyzések:H Introduction: The brain is the target organ for both general anesthetic drugs and some drugs that are used to treat nervous disorders which cause brain activation such as piracetam and citicoline however, they work in contrast to each other. Objective: Our study set out to determine the effect of piracetam and citicoline on the anesthetic induction time. Method: For 10 days 24 mice had been treated with piracetam and citicoline in three groups (piracetam group, citicoline group, and mix group). In addition, 7 mice were used as a control group. All mice were assessed with open field test and underwent right reflex and pain reflex tests. Results: The statistical results showed there is a highly significant relationship between the groups that received drugs in comparison to the control group during assessment by open field test (during the first three sequences) with P-value (0.000, 0.039, 0.008), also a non-significant association relationship between the right reflex test and the drug (piracetam with citicoline). On the other hand, there was a highly significant association relationship between the pain reflex test and the drug (piracetam with citicoline) with P-value(0.009). Conclusion: the time required to achieve the surgical anesthesia stage had been delayed by the influence of piracetam and citicoline use.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
animal model
general anesthesia
Megjelenés:Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. - 13 : 3 (2022), p. 240-248. -
További szerzők:Wadday, Al-Sallami Ali Salah Obayes, Ali Mohammed Baqir Al-Dhalimy, Aiman Mohammed Al-Hasan, Baraa Akaal Bustani, Ghadeer Sabah
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