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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120769
Első szerző:Bujdosó Gyöngyi (informatikus, informatika, matematika, kémia tanár)
Cím:Disruptive technologies in STEM education - A method for broadening the spectrum of IT teacher education / Bujdosó Gyöngyi, Teperics Károly, Roskó Tibor, Jász Erzsébet, Szilágyi-Czimre Klára, Molnár Ernő, Kapusi János, M.C. Novac, O.C. Novac
Megjegyzések:Technological changes constantly present new challenges to education which is especially true for disruptive technologies. Teacher roles are also changing at a high speed. The change is particularly marked in the case of information technology (IT) teachers, who, in addition to having to continuously renew themselves in the teaching methodology of their own discipline, which provides a constantly changing framework, must also participate in the teaching of other subjects. IT teachers have to support their colleagues in an increasingly sophisticated way. One of the highest-quality areas of this ? both from a technical and methodological point of view ? is the application of disruptive technologies in the education of various disciplines. Therefore, in the training of IT teachers and digital culture teachers, not only the methodology of IT teaching, but also the different methods of participation in the education of other fields of science should appear. This is necessary when non-IT teachers ask for help, and in the case of emerging technologies, they have to take a role in drawing attention of their colleagues to them and presenting their potential in education. In this paper, we focus on the methodological assistance provided to colleagues, and on the methods by which IT teachers can be trained for this. The method is presented by which we teach our IT teacher training students about the methodological application possibilities of disruptive technologies appearing in the education of some other disciplines. We focus on science subjects for certain reasons. We show examples and models of the potential emerging in the education of other subjects, which are not in the focus of IT teachers and digital culture teachers, related to the application of two disruptive technologies: virtual reality and eye-tracking. We give an overview of how we demonstrate to our students how STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) teachers can use these disruptive technologies to increase their student engagement and examine the effectiveness of STEM teaching. IT teachers also need to learn how to present these to their colleagues. As a result of our method, we present some student-designed ways to use these devices, tools and methods that demonstrate how to direct their colleagues' attention to them, and how to convince them that it is worth working in this area and it is worth spending time on these technologies.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok könyvfejezet
Disruptive technologies
teacher training
IT teacher
teacher of digital culture
teacher support
teaching STEM
Virtual Reality
Megjelenés:EDULEARN23 Proceedings / Luis Gómez Chova; Chelo González Martínez; Joanna Lees. - p. 5684-5692. -
További szerzők:Teperics Károly (1963-) (geográfus) Roskó Tibor (1992-) (informatikus) Jász Erzsébet (1990-) (földrajztanár) Czimre Klára (1974-) (geográfus) Molnár Ernő (1978-) (geográfus) Kapusi János (földrajz) Novac, Mihaela Novac, Ovidiu
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00002
Korai Természettudomány-Tanulás Kutatócsoport
Földrajz Szakmódszertani Kutatócsoport
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