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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120870
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85123724666 (WOS)000769158400017
Első szerző:Ellakany, Passent
Cím:Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student' sleep patterns, sexual activity, screen use, and food intake : a global survey / Passent Ellakany, Roberto Ariel Abeldaño Zuñiga, Maha El Tantawi, Brandon Brown, Nourhan M. Aly, Oliver Ezechi, Benjamin Uzochukwu, Giuliana Florencia Abeldaño, Eshrat Ara, Martin Amogre Ayanore, Balgis Gaffar, Nuraldeen Maher Al-Khanati, Anthonia Omotola Ishabiyi, Mohammed Jafer, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan, Zumama Khalid, Folake Barakat Lawal, Joanne Lusher, Ntombifuthi P. Nzimande, Bamidele Emmanuel Osamika, Mir Faeq Ali Quadri, Mark Roque, Anas Shamala, Ala`a B. Al-Tammemi, Muhammad Abrar Yousaf, Jorma I. Virtanen, Annie Lu Nguyen, Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan
Megjegyzések:Background The education sector experienced substantial impacts during the COVID-19 pandemic resulting from worldwide restrictions. Purpose To examine differences in the sleep patterns, sexual activity, screen use, and food intake of students and non-students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods This was a global cross-sectional study conducted in the second half of 2020 using multiple social media platforms to recruit study participants globally. A close-ended questionnaire was administered anonymously in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic to adults ages 18 and older. The outcome variables considered in analyses were changes in sleep pattern, sexual activity, screen use, and food intake. The explanatory variable was student status categorized as students vs. non-student. T-test, chi-square, and Mann Whitney U tests were used to assess differences between student and non-student populations. One logistic regression model was built for each outcome variable. Country of residence and country income level were included in the adjusted models. Results There were 17,008 participants of which 3,793 (22.3%) were students. Of the total sample, 4,889 (28.7%) reported changes in sleep, 4,642 (31.8%) reported increases in sexual activity, 10,278 (70.7%) reported increases in screen use, and 5,662 (40.2%) reported increases in food intake during the pandemic. Compared to non-students, students had significantly higher odds of reporting changes in sleep (AOR = 1.52), increases in sexual activity (AOR = 1.79), and increases in screen use (AOR = 1.36) but lower odds of reporting increase in food intake (AOR = 0.87). Conclusion Students displayed higher risk of experiencing changes in sleep, sexual behavior, and screen use during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has the potential to lead to broader adverse effects on students' overall wellbeing. The findings and implications raise further obligations on the education sector to put extra-curricular support systems in place that address COVID-19 related behavior changes that have the potential to adversely impact students' wellbeing. Copyright: ? 2022 Ellakany et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Cross-Sectional Studies
Global Health
Screen Time
Sexual Behavior
Social Media
Surveys and Questionnaires
Young Adult
Megjelenés:Plos One. - 17 : 1 (2022), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Zuñiga, Roberto Ariel Abeldaño El Tantawi, Maha Brown, Brandon Aly, Nourhan M. Ezechi, Oliver C. Uzochukwu, Benjamin Abeldaño, Giuliana Florencia Ara, Eshrat Ayanore, Martin Amogre Gaffar, Balgis Al-Khanati, Nuraldeen Maher Ishabiyi, Anthonia Omotola Jafer, Mohammed Khan, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khalid, Zumama Lawal, Folake Barakat Lusher, Joanne Nzimande, Ntombifuthi P. Osamika, Bamidele Emmanuel Quadri, Mir Faeq Ali Roque, Mark Shamala, Anas Al-Tammemi, Ala'a B. (1988-) (PhD hallgató) Yousaf, Muhammad Abrar Virtanen, Jorma I. Nguyen, Annie Lu Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin
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