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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120957
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85192183478
Első szerző:Ismael, Mimoon
Cím:Modified optimal auxiliary functions method for approximate-analytical solutions in fractional order nonlinear Foam Drainage equations / Mimoon Ismael, Saba Hat, Osama Alabdali, Showkat Ahmad Lone, Ali Hasan Ali
Megjegyzések:The study aims to obtain new approximate analytical solutions for the fractional order nonlinear Foam Drainage equation through a novel modification of the well-known Optimal Auxiliary Functions Method (OAFM). This method systematically constructs auxiliary functions, and by optimizing their parameters, it provides approximate solutions closely mirroring the original behavior of the problem. Numerical simulations, presented in tabular form, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Graphical representations of the solutions are utilized to further validate the applicability and accuracy of the suggested technique. Additionally, the results affirm that the modified OAFM stands out as one of the most effective tools for addressing nonlinear problems in the field of science and technology, thereby contributing valuable addition to the field.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Optimal auxiliary functions method
Foam Drainage equation
Caputo operator
Fractional equations
Megjelenés:Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics. - 10 (2024), p. 1-6. -
További szerzők:Hat, Saba Alabdali, Osama Lone, Showkat Ahmad Ali, Ali Hasan (1989-) (matematikus)
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