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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120993
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85109363816 (WoS)000651464600001
Első szerző:CMS Collaboration
Cím:In-medium modification of dijets in PbPb collisions at root{s}_{NN} = 5.02 TeV / The CMS collaboration
ISSN:1126-6708 1029-8479
Megjegyzések:Modifications to the distribution of charged particles with respect to high transverse momentum (pT) jets passing through a quark-gluon plasma are explored using the CMS detector. Back-to-back dijets are analyzed in lead-lead and proton-proton collisions at root{s}_{NN} = 5.02 TeV via correlations of charged particles in bins of relative pseudorapidity and angular distance from the leading and subleading jet axes. In comparing the lead-lead and proton-proton collision results, modifications to the charged-particle relative distance distribution and to the momentum distributions around the jet axis are found to depend on the dijet momentum balance x_j , which is the ratio between the subleading and leading jet pT. For events with x_j ? 1, these modifications are observed for both the leading and subleading jets. However, while subleading jets show significant modifications for events with a larger dijet momentum imbalance, much smaller modifications are found for the leading jets in these events.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments)
Jet physics
Quark gluon plasma
Megjelenés:Journal of High Energy Physics. - 2021 : 5 (2021), p. 1-43. -
További szerzők:Bartók Márton (fizikus) Karancsi János (1987-) (fizikus) Raics Péter (1944-) (fizikus) Trócsányi Zoltán (1961-) (fizikus) Ujvári Balázs (1977-) (fizikus)
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