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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121201
035-os BibID:(WoS)000430664500003 (Scopus)85046096866
Első szerző:Hadházi Ádám (vegyész)
Cím:A Sulfonozanamivir Analogue Has Potent Anti-influenza Virus Activity / Ádám Hadházi, Linghui Li, Benjamin Bailly, Andrea Maggioni, Gael Martin, Larissa Dirr, Jeffrey C. Dyason, Robin J. Thomson, George F. Gao, Anikó Borbás, Thomas Ve, Mauro Pascolutti, Mark von Itzstein
ISSN:1860-7179 1860-7187
Megjegyzések:Influenza virus infection continues to cause significant, often severe, respiratory illness worldwide. A validated target for development of anti-influenza agents is the viral surface protein sialidase. In the current study, we have discovered a highly potent inhibitor of influenza virus sialidase, based on a novel sialosyl sulfonate template. The synthesised 3-guanidino sialosyl ?-sulfonate, a sulfonozanamivir analogue, inhibits virus replication in vitro at a nanomolar level, comparable to that of anti-influenza drug zanamivir. Using protein X-ray crystallography we show that the sialosyl ? sulfonate template binds within the sialidase active site in a 1 C4 chair conformation. The C1-sulfonate moiety forms crucial and strong binding interactions with the active site's triarginyl cluster, while the 3-guanidino moiety interacts significantly with conserved active site residues. This sulfonozanamivir analogue provides a new direction in anti-influenza virus drug development.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
influenza virus
sialic acid
antiviral agent
Megjelenés:ChemMedChem. - 13 : 8 (2018), p. 785-789. -
További szerzők:Li, Linghui Bailly, Benjamin Maggioni, Andrea Martin, Gael Dirr, Larissa Dyason, Jeffrey C. Thomson, Robin J. Gao, George F. Borbás Anikó (1965-) (vegyész) Ve, Thomas Pascolutti, Mauro Itzstein, Mark von
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