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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121208
Első szerző:Kiss Márton (matematika- és fizikatanár)
Cím:How students control their work in mathematical problem-solving process / Kiss Márton, Ambrus András
Megjegyzések:In the mathematical problem-solving process critical issues are control, evaluation and reflection, that are metacognitive activities. In our paper we analyse a case study Hungarian secondary school students work, we describe the experiences investigating these activities' control, evaluation and reflection. In one mathematics lesson of the class of 31 students, an independent problemsolving exercise was carried out. After analysing the students' individual work, we selected 4 students to be interviewed about the problem we had set. Nearly a third of the class tried to reflect overall solving process. The students are not used to critically evaluating their own thoughts and actions. Experience has shown that successful problem solvers being better at metacognitive activity than unsuccessful solvers.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Problem Solving and Problem Posing : Perspectives and Potentials in Research and Practice : Proceedings of the 22th ProMath conference from August 22-24, 2022 in Thessaloniki / eds I. Papadopoulos, N. Patsiala. - p. 113-123. -
További szerzők:Ambrus András
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