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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121277
Első szerző:Demissie, Esayas Degago (PhD student)
Cím:Exploring occupational stress among employees in the financial industry - A perspective from developing economies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Esayas Degago Demissie, Daniel Kibet Koech, Edina Molnár
Megjegyzések:A munkahelyi stressz feltárása a pénzügyi ágazatban dolgozók körében - egy kitekintés a fejlődő gazdaságokból Addisz-Abebában, Etiópiában
The study aims in analyzing the role of workplace stressors on occupational stress levels. A descriptive and explanatory research design has been used. A mean scale as a measure of central tendency was used to explain the existing situation. Correlation and multiple regression have been implemented to measure the association of variables and the stress level prediction ability of the constructs. A random sampling technique was used in determining the sample size. Mainly primary data is collected through a structured questionnaire and distributed to people online through Google form. Occupational stresses have shown a strong and significant association with stress constructs. The cumulative prediction ability of the constructs is stronger on the occupational stress level of the organization. Social support and job control are inversely associated with occupational stress levels. However. role ambiguity and role overload have a direct relationship with the magnitude of occupational stress.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok kutatási jelentés
occupational stress
role ambiguity
role overload
social support
job control
Megjelenés:Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review. - 55 : 5 (2024), p. 20-32. -
További szerzők:Koech, Daniel Kibet (1982-) (PhD hallgató) Molnár Edina (1974-) (pszichológus) Demissie, Esayas Degago (1987-) (PhD student)
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