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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121422
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85187286108 (WoS)001172679200001
Első szerző:Soltész Tibor
Cím:Unified Supersymmetric Description of Shape-Invariant Potentials Within and Beyond the Natanzon Class / Tibor Soltész, Levente Ferenc Pethő, Géza Lévai
Megjegyzések:The transformations of supersymmetric quantum mechanics are discussed within a formalism that employs a six-parameter function, from which the superpotential and the supersymmetric partner potentials V-(x) and V+(x) are constructed in a general form. By specific choice of the parameters, V-(x) and V+(x) are matched with the general form of PI class potentials and their rationally extended versions. The choice of the parameters also determines which of the four possible SUSY transformations Ti, i=1, horizontal ellipsis 4 is in effect. After this general discussion, the formulae are specified to the three members of this potential class, the Scarf I, Scarf II and generalized Poschl-Teller potentials. Due to the different domains of definition and their consequences on the boundary conditions, the results turn out to be rather diverse for the three potentials, while the mathematical formalism and the network of the potentials interconnected by the SUSYQM transformations still remains common to a large extent. The general framework allows a unified and consistent interpretation of earlier isolated findings. It also helps to connect the results to further potential classes and to place them into a more general context within the zoo of exactly solvable potentials.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
exactly solvable potentials
special functions of mathematical physics
supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Megjelenés:Symmetry. - 16 : 2 (2024), p. 1-25. -
További szerzők:Pethő Levente Ferenc (2001-) (Fizika) Lévai Géza (1962-) (fizikus)
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