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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121432
Első szerző:Ramenofsky, Marilyn
Cím:Comparison of the Phenotypic Flexibility of Muscle and Body Condition of Migrant and Resident White-Crowned Sparrows / Marilyn Ramenofsky, Andrew W. Campion, Darren T. Hwee, Stacy K. Wood, Jesse S. Krause, Zoltán Németh, Jonathan H. Pérez, Sue Bodine
ISSN:2993-7965 2993-7973
Megjegyzések:Seasonally breeding birds express variations of traits (phenotypic flexibility) throughout their life history stages that represent adaptations to environmental conditions. Changes of body condition during migration have been well studied, whereas alterations of skeletal and cardiac muscles, body mass, and fat scores have yet to be characterized throughout the spring or fall migratory stages. Additionally, we examined flexible patterns of muscle, body mass, and fat score in migrant white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) in comparison with those in a resident subspecies (Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli) during the stages they share to evaluate the influence of different life histories. Migrants showed hypertrophy of the pectoralis muscle fiber area on the wintering grounds in late prealternate molt, yet increased pectoralis muscle mass was not detected until birds readied for spring departure. While pectoralis profile and fat scores enlarged at predeparture in spring and fall, pectoralis, cardiac, and body masses were greater only in spring stages, suggesting seasonal differences for migratory preparation. Gastrocnemius mass showed little change throughout all stages, whereas gastrocnemius fiber area declined steadily but rebounded in fall on the wintering grounds, where migrants become more sedentary. In general, residents are heavier birds with larger leg structures, while migrants sport longer wings and greater heart mass. Phenotypic flexibility was most prominent among residents with peaks of pectoralis, gastrocnemius, and body masses during the winter stage, when local weather is most severe. Thus, the subspecies express specific patterns of phenotypic flexibility with peaks coinciding with the stages of heightened energy demands: the winter stage for residents and the spring stages for migrants.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
white-crowned sparrow
phenotypic flexibility
skeletal muscle
cardiac muscle
muscle fiber hypertrophy
Megjelenés:Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology. - 97 : 1 (2024), p. 11-28. -
További szerzők:Campion, Andrew W. Hwee, Darren T. Wood, Stacy K. Krause, Jesse S. Németh Zoltán (1976-) (biológus) Pérez, Jonathan H. Bodine, Sue
Pályázati támogatás:FK 124414
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