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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121472
035-os BibID:(WoS)000266027200011 (Scopus)65649123495
Első szerző:Langin, Kathryn M.
Cím:Breeding latitude and timing of spring migration in songbirdscrossing the Gulf of Mexico / Kathryn M. Langin, Peter P. Marra, Zoltán Németh, Frank R. Moore, T. Kurt Kyser, Laurene M. Ratcliffe
Megjegyzések:Each spring, millions of songbirds migrate across the Gulf of Mexico on their way to breeding sites in North America.Data from radar and migration monitoring stations have revealed broad patterns in the spatial and temporal course oftrans-Gulf migration. Unfortunately, we have limited information on where these birds have previously spent the winterand where they are migrating to breed. Here we measure stable-hydrogen isotopes in feathers (dDf) to infer the breedinglatitude of five species of songbirds hooded warblersWilsonia citrina, American redstartsSetophaga ruticilla, black-and-white warblersMniotilta varia, ovenbirdsSeiurus aurocapilla, and northern waterthrushesS. noveboracensis that werecaptured at a stopover site along the coast of southwestern Louisiana in spring 2004. Values ofdDfacross all speciesranged from 163 to 35?(n 212), and within most species the range was consistent with the latitudinal extent ofknown breeding sites in central and eastern North America. Individuals that arrived first along the northern Gulf coasthaddDfvalues indicative of southerly breeding sites in hooded warblers, American redstarts, black-and-white warblers,and ovenbirds, but no relationship was found between passage timing anddDffor northern waterthrushes. Our findingssuggest that spring passage is often timed to coincide with the emergence of suitable conditions on breeding areas, withsouthern breeding birds migrating first.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Avian Biology. - 40 : 3 (2009), p. 309-316. -
További szerzők:Marra, Peter P. Németh Zoltán (1976-) (biológus) Moore, Frank R. Kurt Kyser, T. Ratcliffe, Laurene M.
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