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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121750
035-os BibID:WOS(001041984900007)
Első szerző:Kissné Mogyorósi Pálma (egyházzenész, zenetörténet tanár)
Cím:Parallels and Differences in Trends in Music Pedagogy in the 20th Century. The Place of the Kodály Concept in European Music Pedagogy of the Last Century / Kissné Mogyorósi, Pálma
ISSN:1844-4369 2065-9628
Megjegyzések:The practical renewal of Zoltan Kodaly's world-famous pedagogical tradition is once again a question enjoying significant dominance and a widely researched field in Hungary. Various institutes, workshops and studies deal with the theoretical background of this question and the possibilities of practical implementation. Studying the current renewal trends affecting the Kodaly concept and method, as well as the different music pedagogic methods of the last century, it can be said that there are many parallels and similarities between them. We could also say that these methods of the 20th century served as a model and may even serve as a model in the future for the methodological further development of school singing and music education based on the Kodaly concept. That is why it is worth getting to know the different trends so that we can draw ideas from them and integrate them into our own activities.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
alternative music pedagogy
20th century models
experiential music learning
Kodaly's concept
Megjelenés:Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Musica. - 68 : 1 (2023), p. 89-99. -
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