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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121918
035-os BibID:WOS(000995956500055)
Első szerző:BRIKEN Collaboration
Cím:Study of decay properties for Ba to Nd nuclei relevant for the formation of the r-process rare-earth peak (A~160) / BRIKEN Collaboration
Megjegyzések:At the RIKEN Nishina Center, exotic neutron-rich isotopes of Ba, La, Ce, Pr, and Nd were measured. This work reports their half-lives (T-1/2) and beta-delayed neutron-emission probabilities (P-xn). The setup consisted of the BigRIPS in-flight separator for particle identification, the Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA) for ions and beta detection, and the BRIKEN neutron counter for neutron detection. Using this arrangement, 4 new T-1/2 and 14 new P1n were measured. Furthermore, 38 T-1/2 and 2 P-1n values were remeasured, decreasing the uncertainties for some of them. In addition to improving predictions of nucleosynthesis models that describe the production of the rare-earth peak at A similar to 160 via the r-process, these additional experimental data should help to constrain theoretical models for calculations of T-1/2 and P-xn in this region.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok konferenciacikk
Megjelenés:EPJ Web of Conferences. - 279 (2023), p. 1-5. -
További szerzők:Vitéz-Sveiczer András (1995-) (Fizikus) Kovács Sándor T. S. (1986-) (környezetkutató-fizikus)
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