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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121950
Első szerző:Madarasi Veronika
Cím:Assertiveness and workaholism in conflict / Veronika Véghné Madarasi, Ágnes Kotsis, Edit Barizsné Hadházi
Megjegyzések:In an organisational setting, we face many conflicts every day, the outcome of which can have a significant impact on effectiveness and performance. Conflicts at work and their outcomes can be traced back to human values, such as the relationship to work, and communication factors, such as assertiveness. Assertiveness is an important phenomenon today, because the quality of communication between individuals in an organisational context can determine individual and organisational performance. The success of conflict resolution can also be influenced by the extent to which conflict participants genuinely explore each other's interests, which depends on a number of factors. However, the negative impact of workplace conflict can be reduced by improving this integration. Furthermore, the attitude towards work, even overwork, can have an impact on the effective resolution of organisational conflicts. Those affected by workaholism show fewer signs of assertiveness, but a certain impatience and urgency towards themselves and others. They are also more likely to take decisions on the spur of the moment and to avoid conflict. Research has found differences by gender, with men being more assertive than women, and by age, with workers of different ages behaving differently in conflict situations. Young workers are competitive in conflict situations and perceive conflict as a destructive event, while boomers, for example, are characterized by cooperative behavior. Conflict management and assertiveness can be developed and cannot be started early enough. It has already been shown among students that good communication skills can be one of the key factors for outstanding performance. Based on the above, in our research, we were interested to see how integrative negotiation style and assertiveness are displayed among students and whether they show a correlation with a tendency to workaholism. To conduct the study, students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen solved an integrative negotiation task and completed the Work Addiction Risk Test (WART-HU) and the Rathus Questionnaire on Assertiveness. The preliminary results suggest that the increased presence of workaholism as a compliance constraint may trigger negotiators towards a more optimal use of the integration potential.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok előadáskivonat
Assertive Communication
Conflict Management
Megjelenés:4. Farkas Ferenc Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia: "Inspiráló változások, jövőképek": Absztraktkötet / szerk. Benke Mariann, Schmuck Roland, Riedelmayer Bernadett. - p. 154-155. -
További szerzők:Kotsis Ágnes (1983-) (közgazdász) Barizsné Hadházi Edit (1976-) (közgazdász)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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