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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122152
Első szerző:Kardos Éva (nyelvész)
Cím:Event lexicalization in Hungarian / Kardos Éva; Szávó Andrea
Megjegyzések:This chapter is concerned with event lexicalization strategies across languages with a special focus on Hungarian. We argue for the need for a more nuanced analysis of languages that lexicalize the result component in a change-of-state/location event outside the primary verbal predicate. Building on Kardos and Farkas (2022), we discuss a syntactic constraint in Hungarian that ensures that the result component be expressed outside the VP and also motivate this constraint by further proposing that result-encoding elements such as verbal particles and resultative predicates must take scope over the domain that they c-command in visible syntax. In this way, we draw a parallel between the grammar of quantifiers and adverbs on the left periphery of the sentence and quantificational verbal particles and resultative predicates in the event domain by arguing that the structure of both the left periphery and that of the event domain is determined by scope. Contra previous claims in the literature (Acedo-Matellán 2016; Hegedűs 2019), we argue that Hungarian exhibits similarities with Slavic languages rather than English when it comes to the location of results in the sentence.
ISBN:978 311 099 561 9
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok könyvfejezet
event lexicalization
Megjelenés:Formal perspectives on secondary predication / eds. Marcel den Dikken; Hideki Kishimoto. - p. 95-126. -
További szerzők:Szávó Andrea (1996-) (PhD hallgató)
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