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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122192
Első szerző:Gulácsi Ádám
Cím:3D Software Environment For Educational Sprego Programming / Gulácsi Ádám, Dienes Nikolett
ISSN:2146-7242 1303-6521
Megjegyzések:The traditional methods for teaching spreadsheets are rather inefficient as they focus on the specific technical features of spreadsheet software. The main drawback of this approach is that students and end-users have to memorize an extensive amount of functions together with their arguments. Moreover, these functions can vary from interface to interface, or even become obsolete, be changed or be renamed in different versions of the same family of applications. With the technical details in the center, the focus is rather on the syntax and tools instead of developing the students` algorithmic and computational thinking skills and their ability to think abstractly. By contrast, Sprego - Spreadsheet Lego - programming offers a scientifically proven, more effective alternative, because it establishes a concept-based problem-solving approach with real-world problems in focus, computational thinking, algorithmic and computer problem-solving skills and schema-construction to develop the students` capability to make reliable decisions at speed, yet it avoids the common pitfalls mentioned above. Previous research and developments have introduced semi-unplugged tools for the visual representation of Spregoimplemented algorithms. Among them, a piece of software was implemented in a 2D environment which uses animations based on real-life examples to aid the students` learning process of the method. The application supports a searching algorithm and a counting algorithm, which are both fundamental parts of understanding Sprego programming principles. The research group has conducted experiments on applying this piece of software in education and the results were positive and promising, which clearly indicated that the visualizations of these algorithms are helpful for the students. In our current work, we are presenting a new semi-unplugged application which transforms the functionality of the previously mentioned piece of software into a new 3D environment. Our aim is to increase the students` enthusiasm by creating a more engaging, modern and visually attractive representation of Sprego algorithms and formulae. The software is being implemented in Unity3D not just because it makes our project highly customizable, but it also provides support for a wide range of platforms including Windows, iOS, Macintosh, Linux and Android. This multi-platform availability will make it easy to use this application with distinct ICT devices such as smartphones, tablets and interactive whiteboards. In the subsequent phases of our research, we would like to improve our software by implementing new features and algorithms. After developing the application, we are planning to measure its effectiveness in classrooms in the near future.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. - 2018 Spec. Issue : 2 (2018), p. 837-844. -
További szerzők:Dienes Nikolett
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00002
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