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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122238
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85111150543
Első szerző:Satam, Ihab Abdulrahman
Cím:Execution of a smart street lighting system for energy saving enhancement / Satam, Ihab Abdulrahman ; N. Shahab, Suhail ; Kamel, Haider Abdulameer ; Al-Hamadani, Mokhaled N. A
ISSN:2089-3191 2302-9285
Megjegyzések:In many countries, particularly, third world countries. The common issue is saving energy. That`s why smart systems considered now primary for life requirements. This work aims to solve the energy saving problem. We prepared a street model that contains several lampposts on both sides of the street; we placed three IR sensors between the lampposts alongside the street. The IR sensors are connected to the controller (in this work we used Arduino UNO). The controller takes the signal from the IR sensor, and then it sends the command to the lamppost to turn on or off. Depending on the number of cars passed, (we took a sample of a number of cars that passed on an actual street) and through formulas we calculated the power consumed by the lampposts in two cases, the first case is when the lights is always on. The second case is when the smart system applied. We also applied fuzzy logic to the system to take the intensity of the ambient light (the sun light) under consideration. The results showed that the proposed smart lighting system is efficient and reliable in saving energy. The energy saved for both (smart and fuzzy) systems was enormous.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Energy saving
Fuzzy logic
IR sensors
Smart light
Smart system
Megjelenés:Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. - 10 : 4 (2021), p. 1884-1892. -
További szerzők:Shahab, Suhail, N. Kamel, Haider Abdulameer Al-Hamadani, Mokhaled N. A. (1987-) (informatics)
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