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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122524
Első szerző:Pacza Tünde (alkalmazott matematikus, informatikus)
Cím:MilkyBase- A Database for Molecular-Level Mapping of the Composition of the Human Milk / Pacza Tünde ; Mayara L. Martins ; Müller Katalin ; Baranyi József
Megjegyzések:Human milk is an optimal source of nutrition for infants, whose composition varies dynamically depending on maternal, infant and measurement conditions. The objective of this study was to create a comprehensive database of the biochemical composition of human milk based on scientific publications, which can provide a tool to explore the complexity of human milk. Data selection was performed using a natural language processing algorithm augmented with manual methods, while focusing on quantitative data of human milk components, mainly dynamic data showing the variation of components over time. The data were organised into a new tree-structured ontology and the biochemical components were recorded as responses to different classified and quantified conditions. The database provides detailed information on the composition of human milk. The organisation of the fields reflects the fact that the biochemical composition of human milk can be considered as a dynamic response to maternal and infant characteristics, as well as to measurement methods and other conditions, thus giving way to predictive possibilities. The database is a valuable resource for researchers investigating the composition and potential health benefits of human milk. It is also intended to provide a platform for users to put their own data into a standardised format and analyse it against the published data. The database can also identify gaps in knowledge and help plan what new experiments are needed to achieve the critical mass of data needed for decision making in both business and science.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok előadáskivonat
Human Milk components
Megjelenés:International Milk Genomic Consortium : IMGC HYBRID Symposium 2023. - p. 1
További szerzők:Mayara L. Martins Müller Katalin Eszter Baranyi József (1956-) (biomatematikus)
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