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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122525
Első szerző:Pacza Tünde (alkalmazott matematikus, informatikus)
Cím:Modelling the temporal changes in human milk composition / Pacza Tünde; Baranyi József
Megjegyzések:Introduction: Human Milk (HM), our first and most complex nutrition, is essential for a child's development and has an impact on immediate and distant health. Despite extensive research, its complexity remains unexplored. Purpose: We developed a database (MilkyBase) from published data on human milk's biochemical composition. It is now a publicly available resource for identifying temporal patterns in the HM composition as a function of associated factors. We demonstrate how predictive modelling can be applied to human milk research. Methods: Data on HM components, influenced by various maternal, infant, and environmental factors, were compiled in an MS Excel database. The organization of the fields reflects the fact that the HM biochemical composition can be considered a dynamic response to maternal and infant characteristics, as well as to measurement methods and other conditions, thus giving way to predictive potentials. Then a model was fitted to data available in the Milky Base database. Results: Patterns revealed in the human milk components confirmed the standard temporal division of HM into colostrum- transitional- and mature stages The temporal trajectories of specific components were described by a two-phase primary model: an initial linear phase postpartum and a subsequent phase converging to a steady state. This suggests adopting non-equidistant sampling times for data collection, especially after the first week postpartum. Secondary modelling showed that the overall variation in component concentrations is mostly due to biological differences between individual mothers, rather than geographic location. Significance: The constructed database is a resource to understand and quantify the role that different conditions can play in HM composition.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok nem besorolt
További szerzők:Baranyi József (1956-) (biomatematikus)
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