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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122609
Első szerző:Nagy Andrea (nyelvész)
Cím:Représentation sémiotique textuelle du sens dans de courts textes français - le rôle de la constringence dans l`analyse du sens / Nagy Andrea ; Dobi Edit
Megjegyzések:Our research operates within the theoretical framework of semiotic textology, aiming to comprehend textual meaning and its representation modalities by extending the traditional field of textual linguistics and using a wide range of tools. For this purpose, the theory of semiotic textology introduces the concept of ♭constringency' among the terms commonly associated with textual coherence, such as grammatical connectedness and semantic cohesion. This concept of constringency, complementing categories that characterize the linguistic level of the text, aims to describe the mental process of the receiver when interpreting the presumed facts expressed within the text. The study has two main objectives. On the one hand, it seeks to assess the applicability of semiotic textual representation, particularly the concept of constringency, in the analysis of the meaning of French texts, as well as the new perspectives it offers as a method of analysis. On the other hand, it examines how documentary thesauri dealing with conceptual schemas can contribute to the study of constringency and to the representation of the meaning of French texts.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
linguistique du texte
Megjelenés:SHS Web of Conferences. - 191 (2024), p. 1-15. -
További szerzők:Dobi Edit (1973-) (nyelvész)
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