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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122697
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85199038533
Első szerző:Hashmi, Amna (orvostanhallgató)
Cím:Relevance of Proteinuria in Kidney Transplant Recipients and Allograft Outcomes / Amna Jousaf Hashmi, Boglárka Bujáki, László Bidiga, László Kardos, József Balla, Réka P. Szabó
Megjegyzések:Introduction: The onset of proteinuria in renal allograft recipients is frequently associated with an increased risk for both graft failure and mortality. We investigated the risk associated with post-transplant proteinuria and its time-dynamics in a select group treated for biopsy proven antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR). Methods: Eighty-five transplanted patients were enrolled in our study and followed up from transplantation until 31 October 2020, death, or date of return to dialysis. We created 2 main groups: the ABMR group (n=19) and an ABMR-negative control group with stable kidney function (n=52) without DSA and a subgroup with DSA but stable graft function (n=14) without ABMR. Differences in patient, donor, and transplant graft characteristics between the groups were assessed by Fisher's exact test for categorical variables. Death-censored graft loss was evaluated with the help of Kaplan-Meier analysis using log risk statistics. Results: Proteinuria decreased after treatment in the ABMR group (p<0.0009). Pre-treatment every 10 mg/mmol increase in proteinuria was associated with a 7% increase in the risk for graft failure in ABMR group. Estimated 3-year graft survival was 87.5% in the ABMR group, compared to 93% in the group without ABMR but with preformed DSA, and 100 % in the DSA negative subgroup (log-rank probe p<0.0666).
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok esettanulmány
donor specific antibody
graft outcome
Megjelenés:Transplantation Proceedings. - [Epub ahead of print] (2024). -
További szerzők:Bujáki Boglárka (1992-) (biomérnök hallgató) Bidiga László (1977-) (patológus) Kardos László (1970-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos) Balla József (1959-) (belgyógyász, nephrológus) P. Szabó Réka (1979-) (belgyógyász, nephrológus)
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